2day went 2 go pierce my tongue wib my cousins ad bugis..the feelin was lyk super song!!i gort the video of piercin bt it's nt on my fone so i cant upload it..i will try 2 upload it asap...i gort the pic of my tongue nw..hahas...my tongue is lyk totally swollen nw...the guy who hlp me pierce my tongue ad 1st said tat i am super nervous...then i tried 2 lac abit le.. lac abit le he ask me stick out my tongue and he c c le then he take the tongs thingy hold on my tongue...soon he take the needle and ''piak'' 1 sound then pierced thru le...after tat he put the stud in and he said there euu go...hahas..my tongue was lyk bleedin fkin lots... DemonZ painfulness cure sadness?? smkin cure sadness?? drinkin 4get everything??
9:49 PM
hmm...fri le...tot of postin so came in ba..sian sian sian....everydy chiong lv in maple.=X...suddenly feel tat veri fun??hahas....on 2x nw bt lz train..hai so sian....bored everyday bt ad least she was there fer me every daywhen she hab time...hahas.. DemonZ lurve her
1:32 AM
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I'm Not those few arse, You can Fuck With (:
I am not a super hero neither am i spiderman.
I came from an outer space which is filled with water.
I learn swimming at the age of zero.I wail like a cry baby.
I crawl like spiderman, i fly like superman, i drive like batman. I live in wonderland.
~gary ng aka DemonZ
~single bt nt findin
*TaLkIn BeHiNd PpL bAk
*bEiNg LeFt AlOnE
*PaU tOh Kia
*pPl ThAt TrEaT tHiEr FrEnZ lIgHtLy
~1 EaR hOleS
~new mp3/mp4/ipod
~tOnGuE pIeRcIn
~3 LiPs PiErCiN
~1 triggers(dunno spellin)
~tOnNeS oF mOnEy
~new psp
~1 or 2 more ear holes
~1 eye brow piercin