'' i lurve euu '' - the three words which keep the world goin round how mani times hab we say the 3 word '' i lurve euu '' 2 the person who have stepped into our lives with sum magic.and hw mani timeshave we hrd it ourselves?why do we say '' i lurve euu ''.do we mean it realli?
do we say because it's the normal thing 2 say , purely fer the sake of sayin it onli , because we have clearly nth else 2 say or is it tat the words are music 2 the ears of the other person?
a blog read opinion- sacred words agree
'' lurve '' is patient '' lurve '' is kind.it is nva jealous , never boostful nor conceited.
it is nva rude or selfish.it does nt take offense and it is not resentful.lurves take no pleasure in another ppl's sin , bt delights in the truth.it is always ready 2 excuse , to trust , to hope , and to endure wadeva it comes
2:50 AM
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I'm Not those few arse, You can Fuck With (:
I am not a super hero neither am i spiderman.
I came from an outer space which is filled with water.
I learn swimming at the age of zero.I wail like a cry baby.
I crawl like spiderman, i fly like superman, i drive like batman. I live in wonderland.
~gary ng aka DemonZ
~single bt nt findin
*TaLkIn BeHiNd PpL bAk
*bEiNg LeFt AlOnE
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*pPl ThAt TrEaT tHiEr FrEnZ lIgHtLy
~1 EaR hOleS
~new mp3/mp4/ipod
~tOnGuE pIeRcIn
~3 LiPs PiErCiN
~1 triggers(dunno spellin)
~tOnNeS oF mOnEy
~new psp
~1 or 2 more ear holes
~1 eye brow piercin