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Monday, October 13, 2008

wee...finally i'm bloggin again...usin my fkin fone to blog!!!ltr i'm getting my com alr.swee la!!blog after I get my new com

3:12 AM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


10:37 AM

Friday, September 12, 2008

wow...i tink i am so fkin smart!!i came 2 blogger without the fkin use of a mouse...i tink i'm soooooo fkin smart man..juz by usin the arsehole keyboard and i came here..woots...
same hm from the ''wadeva army check up''..i was wonderin y cant they juz put sayin tat i had high blood pressure??y muz they lyk kip askin me 2 go bak fer further check up?i went there 2day ard 2pm bt my appt time is 8.30am..i went there then they said i was late then i cant do the checkup..then they ask me 2 cme bak another day lo..
nvm..then i went bugis after the thingy..i bought a new lips stud..juz 1..guess how much was it??19 bucks siol...total rip off..bt it seems special 2 me so i bought it..lols...
after tat went 2 the kalland leasure park...dunno how euu spell it..borin place siol...nt realli lots of shops there bt it's quite peaceful and so called a smkin heaven..lols
came hm...juz on the com and withou the use of the mouse i gort here 2 blog...lols...i saw sumthing on sum1 blog...sayin last few days stuffs wasn't her fault ad all..LOLS!it's lyk talkin c0ck without even fkin tinkin..pourin milo on sum1 face when sum1 was juz jokin and it's tat sum1 fault..lols...pourin milo on tat sum1's fren psp oso tat sum1 fault..nvm..nxt time i oso would lyk 2 try...let me try pourin milo onto sum1 laptop when sum1 in juz jokin..and say tat it's tat sum1 fault...wait fer my turn..i shall try...try 2 tink of it..it sounds lyk pretty fun 2 me??or mayb i shld try 2 find sum videos abt ppl changin password fer a com without access-in control panel??if i can do tat?how's tat person gonna log on??i will b lmao soon i guess..juz wait..patience is all i nid..let me c wad i can play more...17th chalet gonna start...i tink i shall make the fun out b4 i go chalet...MAY THE FUN BEGIN B4 CHALET!!B GLAD 2 B RUIN!!try me..woots!!
b4 chalet fun and durin chalet fun and after chalet fun..wad if suddenly sum1 gort no internet 2 use??wad if 1 set password fer my modem??there's lyk so mani things i could do?may the mighty 1 wins the game??hahas...realli seems veri veri fun 2 me nw..
i tink i shld stop writin nw...else sum1 knows wad are all my plans nw..seems cool...sounds fun...WAD'S MORE?!?!?!shall post wad's gonna happen when i decided 2 wad 2 play=D

12:09 AM

Monday, September 8, 2008

n`b siol...steam siol!!!my fkin com tio virus lo...fk siax...i dunno wad the fkin hell i can do nw..fk siax..realli veri pissed off lo..hai..toopit game..innocent life...extract nia tio the fkin virus..hai..realli dunno wad the fk i can say nw siol..hai...no modd 2 blog liaos la..sigh

12:23 AM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2day went fer my ns check up..a muz 2 take out all my lips studs..the whole thing last fer lyk 3hr liddat or more...after the check up all my lips piercin were lyk gone lo..bt i force it thru..dam painful siol...bt who cares..btr then 135 bucks all fly away..lols..
after tat went 2 BBDC so call enrolled my bike lisence..lols...after tat went 2 bugis 2 find my fren then went bak hm...dam it siol...2 wks ltr nid go check up again cos of my blood pressure...ultra high blood pressure??lols!!!sian half ba...
grats 2 my lips piercin 3 wks old lo!!!aniways...1 of my crab died..wtf...
nth 2 post le ba..

9:01 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

1 more day till my lips piercin gets 2 weeks old..sadly 2 say..1 of my lips piercin lyk gort infected...dunno wad i am goin 2 do wib it bt surely i wun go close my piercin which cost me big bucks...35 bucks eac...hahas...i'm gettin used 2 get looked where ever i go now...nt carin wad they tink as tis is my face..i do wad i lyk 2 my face and no1 shld care wad i wanna do wib it..lyk it or nt,it's my face=D
kinda bored...kinda feel lyk smkin bt i dun hab cig...might go buy a pack tmr or 2day...hopefully i might quit smkin 1 day=X...gettin close 2 my army check up soon too i guess...
guess there's nth much fer me 2 type animore?shall stop here nw

12:29 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2008

2 more days my lips piercin will b lyk 1 wk old alr??lols...havin the piercin fer 5 days alr...seen alot ppl givin me faces which i fkin dunno y...tinkin of gd side mayb they c my piercin nice??lols..bad side is they tink i veri pia kia??lols..i dunno la..
few days b4 my lips was swollen lyk mad..i din know wad happen..bt lucky nva infection or wad.=D..nw it's gettin btr alr..nt so swollen lyk few days b4..juz a little swellin left...
i tink it gort sowllen cos of the spicy food i ate or hot stuff i ate..hahas..i tink i am those bo chap kinda person..hahas..
hrd from my aunt sept goin m'sia fer weddin then i will b followin her walk ard...woohoo...song bo??
dam bored ad my mum's place...fri , sat , sun all stay in the house doin nth...i was lyk wtf??bt lucky there is a com here 2 cure my boreness..hahas...i tink imma go rest summore nw since there is nth fer me 2 do..blog again sum other times i guess.

i exist becos euu existed

4:25 PM

Here's a story of a boy,
Living in the lonely world,
A hidden note, A secret crush,
A little ger who talks too much.

Well, I'm standing in the crowd,
And when you smile I check you out,
But you don't even know my name,
You're too busy playing games,

And I want you too know,
If you lose your way,
I won't let you go.

If I cut my hair,
If I change my clothes,
Will you notice me?

If I bite my lip,
If I say hello,
Will you notice me?


If you're unhappy with my blog,
simply click the [X] on the top right,
Don't fcukin interfer my life (:
I'm Not those few arse,
You can Fuck With (:


I am not a super hero neither am i spiderman.
I came from an outer space which is filled with water.
I learn swimming at the age of zero.I wail like a cry baby.
I crawl like spiderman, i fly like superman, i drive like batman. I live in wonderland.


~gary ng aka DemonZ
~single bt nt findin


#mY bRoThErS
#mY nUeRs
#mY mEiS-wAnQi & sHuHuI
#tAlK, MsN
#cursin and swearin


*TaLkIn BeHiNd PpL bAk
*bEiNg LeFt AlOnE
*PaU tOh Kia
*pPl ThAt TrEaT tHiEr FrEnZ lIgHtLy


~1 EaR hOleS
~new mp3/mp4/ipod
~tOnGuE pIeRcIn
~3 LiPs PiErCiN
~1 triggers(dunno spellin)
~tOnNeS oF mOnEy
~new psp
~1 or 2 more ear holes
~1 eye brow piercin




March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008


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